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Solar panels on top of the Reynaers warehouse in Duffel, Belgium.

Low-carbon aluminium – a powerful commitment

If you want to produce aluminium, you need electricity – it is inevitable. However, what we can decide ourselves is the right choice of energy source. By opting for renewable energy, Reynaers Aluminium significantly limits its carbon aluminium footprint.

It all starts with our suppliers. At Reynaers Aluminium, we do not want to purchase aluminium produced by polluting energy sources such as coal. Instead, we go green and use durable electricity sources throughout the aluminium production process. We explain how renewable energy helps us create your low-carbon aluminium solutions.

Renewable energy efficiency

The right choice of energy is crucial to keep the aluminium carbon footprint as low as possible. In the European aluminium industry, the average carbon footprint adds up to 8.6 kilograms carbon dioxide per kilogram of aluminium. However, by using green electricity sourced from hydropower plants, Reynaers Aluminium reduces its carbon footprint to about half of this average. As a result, we proudly offer low-carbon aluminium solutions to all our customers.

Thanks to the electrolytic “Hall-Héroult” process, we can turn aluminium oxide in primary aluminium. However, this important step in the aluminium production cycle requires a lot of energy and has no viable alternatives. Fortunately, in the past two decades, the energy efficiency of the Hall-Héroult process has improved by 20%. And by limiting our own energy consumption, we can lower the environmental impact of your aluminium windows and doors directly.

The future of sustainable aluminium

But there is always room for improvement. Reynaers Aluminium is member of European Aluminium, the official voice of the aluminium industry in Europe. In its “Vision 2050” report, the organisation discusses how the sector can contribute to the European Union’s plans for future decarbonisation. By committing to such ambitious initiatives, we reduce the carbon impact of our aluminium products even more.

Reducing our carbon footprint is only one of our objectives. To anticipate your sustainable design needs, we continue to improve all our low-carbon aluminium systems. For instance, by further investing in aluminium recyclability, we make sure your windows, sliding doors, façade or other building components are the most sustainable solution possible. The future of building is green, and Reynaers Aluminium is the perfect sustainable partner for you.

Reynaers Aluminium commits to sustainable products and certified quality.

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